While everyone was preparing themselves for the final Harry Potter movie, JK Rowling announced something awesome. Pottermore. After the video got online on Youtube, I think 99% were like, WTSmurf. No idea what it would be and what we could do with it. Not much information was given. I remember that Jo said that we will create a story or something,, I still don’t know what it means.
After a few weeks, we could finally sign up for Pottermore, a website which I knew nothing about. Of course you did not know when the Magic Quill would be online so it was (sorry to say) really well done. I woke up on sunday the 31st of July, said to myself ‘Happy Birthday Harry’ and grabbed my iPad to check my (personal) Twitter. Then, out of the blue, I screamed POTTERMORE! I quickly went to the website and there it was, the sign up button. I have to say I was really lucky.
Then when you finally get your heartbeats to slow down, you have to pick a name. The name that will stay with you for the rest of your PM experience. Tough call! I have to say I am really happy with mine and I would’t change it (though I love everything with Hallow or Auror in it haha).
And then the wait begins. You can’t just check your email 24/7 but you know you do. I was thinking, I am probably not the only one waiting. Then I made a Twitter account. And then I saw the light.
I can’t be more honoured and blessed to be part of this awesome Pottermorefamily. We wait, laugh, cry, sing and dance together. We are all in this together. From people already in PM and people in the NoOwlParty. Everyone is just so great with everyone and it’s amazing to see.
I wake up with the family and go to bed with the family. When I wake up, another goes to bed. Can’t wait for New Years Eve when every hour another PMFamily member enters the New Year.
Then, after a long few weeks, in wave 9, I finally got my PM Welcome Email. I was just on my way to work when I got tweets from Elmblade, HawthornDawn and SeekerRose saying that Owls are flying.
And after a few seconds, there it was. my email. I think I can say that this is the most awesome email I have ever received.
At work, my boss decided to have diner somewhere in the city and I would be alone for a few hours. Decision was made pretty quickly. The first 10 minutes I was only starring at my screen and I could not believe it.
I quickly went through the chapters to get to my wand and my house
Wand: Rowan, Unicorn Core, 12 and ¼ inches, Suprisingly Swishy
(first thing I did was translate Swishy, still don’t know what it means haha)
House : Gryffindor
First I wanted to be in Hufflepuff but I am actually a little bit proud to be in Gryffindor.
The family on twitter keeps everyone together. Doesn’t matter if you’re already on PM or not, we still have the most awesome conversations. About Rubber Ducks, Smurfs, movies and actors and much more.
This is just my experience of the start of Pottermore. My potions is really glitching and Duelling isn’t working, so when I calmed down on the potions and dueling, I’ll post again.
Thank you for reading and have the most awesome day!
To infinity and Beyond!
GobletMist61 a.k.a. Freddy
Making a pottermore twitter account was best decision of the year! LOL Well it was in my case anyway ;p So glad to have made so many friends all around the world! So yes pottermore is glitchy right now, but at least we'll always have twitter haha =)